Final solution
- The \"Final Solution of the Jewish Question\" in the Bohemian Lands
- The end of German democracy
- The persecution of German Jews after the Nazi seizure of power
- Jews and Jewish organisations under the swastika
- 1938: the watershed year
- German aggression against Poland
- The ghettoisation of the Jewish population
- The territorial solution to the Jewish question
- The start of the mass murder
- Mass deportations to the concentration and extermination camps
- The collapse of Nazi Germany
- Epilogue
- Concentration camps and ghettos
- People
- Events
- The genocide of the Roma and Sinti during the second world war
- Queer Persecution
Final solution
- Sources
- education
Last change: 12. 01. 2016
Location of original
Prezidium Zemského úřadu v Praze (fond 207) > Protižidovská nařízení - vyhlášky, zprávy, novinové články, 1938-40
(signatura 8/1/82/17)
(signatura 8/1/82/17)
Date(s) of creation
13. 09. 1939
Credit, copyright
Pro publikaci je nutné kontaktovat Národní archiv v Praze, kde je uložen originál dokumentu. Dokument byl digitalizován Institutem Terezínské iniciativy s podporou Nadačního fondu obětem holocaustu.